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Société Des Timides à La Parade Des Oiseaux: Le Combat Occulté

La Société Des Timides à La Parade Des Oiseaux (henceforth abbreviated to STPO for this review) is a band that has been around many years. Born in Europe's post-punk age, their music can definitely be categorized as Rock-In-Opposition (RIO, for the initiated). Their jagged style marries zany moments of chanting and spoken word with elements of eccentricity and a dab of conceptual art mixed in. This 22-track release is a compilation of the band's more "out there moments" and constitutes, at best, a very difficult listen. Once again, I wish I could proclaim this band's greatness for the progressive world to fully embrace, but these guys are just a tad, well... weird. STPO seem to be aiming for shock value first and foremost. The music, as I already stated, is very jagged. There never seems to be any sustained moments of melody, but rather the entire disc becomes a collage of sounds which seem to emanate from the minds of some truly twisted individuals. Does this make it bad ? I won't go that far, however, one must come at this music with an extremely open mind. I'm guessing that there's a reason why this band remained in obscurity, even amongst the RIO crowd. Sometimes a band just appears to be trying too hard to remain aloof of their musical peers. Rarely do any of the tracks on this record actually draw me in to what the band is trying to accomplish.

Track Listing:

  1. Avant
  2. Prelude
  3. Techniques Explositionnistes
  4. L'Explositionniste
  5. IceMesAmis
  6. Armenie
  7. Bebalanbebant
  8. Le Bris Agenreur
  9. Corsaires De Nerf
  10. Equilibre
  11. DadaMax Stelit Loplop Vor
  12. Markale 2 (live 1998)
  13. Les Barbares
  14. Thousand Days
  15. Un
  16. Shy Society At The Bird Parade
  17. El Bolero
  18. Dis Moi Que...
  19. ...J'Attends La Pluie
  20. El Fin
  21. Idol
  22. Ebauche

Added: December 26th 2005
Reviewer: Yves Dubé
Related Link:
Hits: 2993
Language: english

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