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Raintime: Tales From Sadness

Combining clean vocals and death-metal growls has become standard practice for a legion of today's heartiest progressive bands, which in turn has made some fans more tolerant of harsher and more aggressive deliveries. Look no further than Opeth and Children of Bodom for evidence of that. Europe's Raintime is among the latest groups to indulge in this trend, blending symphonic-tinged traditional and progressive heavy metal with occasional bursts of death-metal gusto that borders on Dimmu Borgir-type black-metal vocals courtesy of the dynamic Claudio Coassin (who also doubles as Raintime's keyboard player). Also strewn across the eight songs on Raintime's debut album, Tales From Sadness, are gang choruses, aggressive riffs and enough keys to impress Stratovarius' Jen Johansson and Royal Hunt's Andre Andersen. It's all quite different than the morose cover featuring a young girl pulling out her empty pockets would indicate. The real sadness here is that, by album's end, the songs begin to sound a wee too similar.

Track Listing:
1) Moot-Lie
2) Faithland
3) Creation
4) The Experiment
5) Denied Recollection
6) Chains of Sadness
7) Using the Light Forever
8) Daily Execution/Paradox Defeat

Added: September 6th 2005
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Official Raintime Web Site
Hits: 3925
Language: english

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