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Airless: 2nd Round

This quality Spanish quartet is a throwback to the sound and attitude displayed in the early '90ies by bands like Tyketto and Ugly Kid Joe. There are also tracks, particularly "Prayers" that remind me very much of mid-rock Europe and Joey Tempest vocals. This is all not necessarily a bad thing however it has been heard before. Key to the music are the excellent guitar offerings from Robert Rodrigo sounding half Van Halen, and a quarter each of Harry Cody and Joe Satriani- excellent fretwork. This is actually the group's second release and I hope the third will find the boys trying to hone their own unique sound.

Track Listing
1. 2nd Round
2. Prayers Are Not Enough
3. Don't You Go
4. It's Up To You
5. Handful Of Lies
6. The Last Sight
7. Cross The Line
8. The Storm
9. The Good Times
10. Never Fall In Love
11. The Darkness

Added: August 24th 2005
Reviewer: Mike Blackburn
Related Link: Lion Music
Hits: 2683
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Airless: 2nd Round
Posted by Steve Ambrosius, SoT Staff Writer on 2005-08-24 09:02:27
My Score:

If you get nostalgic for the 80s, then I've got the band for you. Twenty years earlier and Airless might have been an MTV powerhouse. But in 2005, 2nd Round sounds a little out of place. Airless hail from Spain, and combine elements of 80s hairbands Cinderella and Doken, with some of the more creative parts of Honeymoon Suite.

Guitarist Robert Rodrigo has all the chops and his riffs and fills that are as good as anything put out in the 80s, but there just isn't anything that doesn't sound like you have heard this before. The same holds true of vocalist Inaki Lazkano, whose strong vocals make every song enjoyable. 2nd Round keeps from falling in the redundant bin by the excellent rhythm section of bassist Miguel Manjon and Paco Martinez.

"Don't You Go" and "Handful Of Lies" are your standard hairband ballad, where as "The Good Times" is a fantastic instrumental track that really shows some creative guitar playing, but doesn't fit the overall CD. I know I am sounding very negative, and I need to emphasize, that Airless really are a group of talented musicians; it just is that they are a tad bit cliché.

2nd Round is recommended for anyone who loved the old 80s hairbands, bands that skirted the edge of Hard Rock like Honeymoon Suite, or just the power guitar sound of two decades ago. Airless will entertain you; just know what you are buying.

» Reader Comments:

Airless: 2nd Round
Posted by mike sullivan on 2005-08-21 03:44:18
My Score:

im impressed with his music, it's fantastic!!!my favorite songs are prayers are not enaugh and the good times (excellent by Robert Rodrigo). great cd

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