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Cutler,Chris: Twice Around the Earth

The name Chris Cutler is a familiar name in the progressive rock and avant-garde community, and has been for many years due to his time spent with bands like Henry Cow, Art Bears, Slapp Happy, and Pere Ubu. On Twice Around the Earth, Cutler has put together a compilation of different real life sounds taken from over 81 different locations around the world, which were edited together to create one seamless recording that takes you all over the globe in just over an hour. Originally aired on Cutler's radio show a few years back, there's little to no music to be heard on thisCD other than the occasional plucking of an acoustic guitar or tinkering of a piano. Instead, you hear a wide assortment of sounds and situations, from the croaking of a frog, to conversations in German, to sounds of traffic, birds chirping, rain, background chatter, coughing, plates being stacked up, an answering machine... you name it. While this may be interesting to some, I can't see most giving this more than one curious spin. I can understand Cutler releasing something like this, as he claims to have an interest in creating a virtual window that allows the listener to dive into someone else's ears on another part of the world. For me, I can hear these types of noises any day by just walking around my house, driving through town, or turning on the TV. I certainly wouldn't put on a CD to hear these things, but hey, to each his own. If you dig the various nature CD's that are available on the market, and like audio material that has a calming effect, this might be for you. Otherwise, proceed with caution.

Track Listing
Tracks 1-47: Twice Around the Earth
Track 48: Lux
Tracks 49-81: Blue Winter

Added: July 5th 2005
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: ReR Megacorp
Hits: 2611
Language: english

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