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WOOF: 7 Inches

This CD compilation includes all four of the 7" LP releases by the British underground pop/prog/jazz/avant-garde label WOOF Records, as well as extra songs by The Work and The Lowest Notes. The original vinyl records were originally released between 1980 and 1985, and for the most part have never seen the light of day on CD before now. WOOF Records was originally set up by Tim Hodgkinson and Bill Gilonis, and many of the 24 songs here feature the two performing as a duo and with other musicians. The two perform on various instruments, including guitar, bass, keyboards, reeds, and vocals, and the music for the most part is quirky art rock, not reliant on melody, with touches of jazz, loads of avant-garde noise, and moments of just general wierdness.

At times I am reminded of some of the work of Rascal Reporters, Frank Zappa, The Residents, and Throbbing Gristle, yet the music is very British sounding and none of the ensembles featured here seem to be taking themselves too seriously. Many of the songs are instrumentals, and fluctuate between intricate and bizarre ditties to atmospheric segues of brief lunacy. The digipack is a real work of art, featuring loads of information of the songs included as well as many photographs. While 7 Inches certainly won't be for every prog rock fan, if you have a tolerance for some demanding sounds that steer clear of catchy melodies, this just might be for you.

Track Listing
1) The Love of Ants (4:02)
2) Night By the Sea (2:07)
3) Ratlike Stones Grow Useless Wings (1:58)
4) November (0:51)
5) Pigvac (3:22)
6) Tribe (1:23)
7) You and a River (1:55)
8) December (2:15)
9) With Wings Pressed Back (1:00)
10) I Hate America (5:55)
11) Fingers and Toes (2:51)
12) Duty (1:03)
13) Houdini (3:57)
14) Scream Circle (2:17)
15) Thusly Routed We Gambol (1:29)
16) Jane (1:43)
17) Meddle-a-Beadle (1:50)
18) Trial by Silhoutte (3:41)
19) Piggy Bank (3:20)
20) Lambeth Salt (3:05)
21) Snows Past (1:34)
22) Finihounds (1:04)
23) Ramshackle Medley (7:41)
24) Nalwabi (2:37)
Total Time (63:00)

Added: July 5th 2005
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: ReR Megacorp
Hits: 2641
Language: english

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