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Monkey3: Welcome to the Machine

How in the world had I never heard of this band before the release of Welcome to the Machine? I’ve spent many hours listening to it and the band’s back catalog. I have to say most of their output is great, in my opinion. Of course, it does hit the sweet spot for me: instrumental prog with some space rock and jazzy elements to it.

As the title of the album would suggest, it definitely has a Floyd vibe, but I don’t think it is as derivative as some claim, though I have to admit that the first track robs blatantly from “Shine on You Crazy Diamond.” Instead, I think most of the album stands on the shoulders of others who have gone before and builds on but doesn’t better them, of course.

When listening to it, I was reminded of a largely unnoticed album by an Israeli outfit, Telegraph. In 2018, they released the outstanding Mir. As far as I can tell, that’s the only thing they have done. It has vocals, but the feel is largely the same, though Monkey3 can get considerably heavier at times.

Welcome to the Machine will definitely make my top ten albums of the year. Highly recommended for fans of instrumental prog. Oh, and check out Mir while you’re at it.

Track Listing
1. Ignition (10:38)
2. Collision (6:03)
3. Kali Yuga (10:01)
4. Rackman (7:13)
5. Collapse (12:50)

Added: November 16th 2024
Reviewer: Aaron Steelman
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 366
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Monkey3: Welcome to the Machine
Posted by Pete Pardo, SoT Staff Writer on 2024-11-16 20:43:35
My Score:

Welcome to the Machine is a brilliant instrumental heavy psych/prog release from the always dependable Monkey3, the Swiss band who last thrilled us with 2019's Sphere and have once again knocked it out of the part on this latest platter of musical explorations. While "Ignition" takes the listener through galaxies also explored by bands such as Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, and My Sleeping Karma, it's so well done that you can't help but become intoxicated by the assault of amazing sounds. With the wealth of blistering guitar pyrotechnics on "Collision", you are off to the races and things don't let up from there through the rest of the album. If you like instrumental music with plenty of musical fireworks that blend space rock, psych, prog, and even a dash of heavy rock, Welcome to the Machine is something you need to check out.

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