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A Flying Fish: El Pez Que Voló - ACT I

How to describe this album? The best I can come up with is a psychedelic musical. The music itself isn’t particularly psychedelic, but the overall experience of listening to it leaves one wondering: What just happened?

In short, it’s the story of Teezûck, the son of a bird and a fish who lives under the sea. According to Râhoola, the mastermind behind A Flying Fish, “One magical night he receives a stellar gift: an oneiric vision, a call to face his inner fears and seek his true destiny. Themes such as overprotection, toxic victimhood, altered states, maturity and the flow between divinity & delusion are explored within this eclectic, fantasy-fueled extravaganza.”

I have to admit that I didn’t get all of that from listening to it. I also have to admit that the first time I played it, my head hurt a little bit afterward. But with repeated listens, I came around. A number of guest vocalists appear on the album and the individual tracks range from hard rock, to poppy prog, to cabaret, and more.

I wouldn’t have expected myself to say this initially, but I hope there is an Act II. I might not fully understand what happens to Teezûck, but I will definitely take the ride.

Track Listing
1. Obertoora (2:44)
2. Genezees (9:27)
3. Teezûck (4:51)
4. Fear Thyself (1:46)
5. Twin Snails (4:56)
6. Upon a Star (3:22)
7. Holy Fruit (3:25)
8. A He̊-Kuree Dream (4:09)
9. Mama, Papa! (4:08)
10. Destiny Calls (3:32)

Added: October 20th 2024
Reviewer: Aaron Steelman
Related Link: Band @ Bandcamp
Hits: 265
Language: english

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