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Keneally, Mike: The Thing That Knowledge Can't Eat

One of the gifts that keeps on giving is the odd yet always satisfying musical genius that is Mike Keneally. From his start as a sideman to the legendary Frank Zappa in the late '80s to his many solo albums and side projects, Keneally has been a busy guy over the last 30 years, and his latest solo platter The Thing That Knowledge Can't Eat is another eclectic collection of charming pop and zany progressive rock from this accomplished guitarist/keyboard player/composer/vocalist.

Like a head on three-way collision between The Beatles, Gentle Giant, and Frank Zappa, The Thing That Knowledge Can't Eat amazes and dazzles at every corner, Keneally, much like Adrian Belew, able to inject dazzling musical bits in with simple, hook laden melodies in just about every song. "Logos" is complex prog-rock filled with counterpoint, while the soaring harmonies of "Both Sides of the Street" and the lush acoustic tones of "Mercury in Second Grade" will instantly bring to mind the glory days of the Fab Four. His often-times boss Steve Vai joins the fun for the guitar heavy instrumental rave-up "Celery" (with Nick D'Virgilio on drums), there's charming pop on "Spigot (Draw the Pirate)" that shows off not only his great guitar skills, but also his talents on the piano, and "Ack" is a wild big band/horn driven jazz swinger. Toss in the heavy metal sounds of "Lana", the soaring pop of "Big Hit Song", and the mix of prog, jazz, and metal of "The Carousel of Progress" (with former Gentle Giant drummer Malcolm Mortimore!), and you have another rather diverse yet ultimately highly enjoyable set of new music from the always dependable Mike Keneally.

Track Listing
1. Logos 03:11
2. Both Sides of the Street 02:40
3. Mercury in Second Grade 04:41
4. Mike Keneally, Steve Vai - Celery (featuring Steve Vai) 05:02
5. Spigot (Draw the Pirate) 05:10
6. Ack 03:32
7. Lana 04:34
8. Big Hit Song 05:08
9. The Carousel of Progress

Added: June 3rd 2023
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Artists @ Bandcamp
Hits: 1322
Language: english

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