Sterbus: Solar Barbecue
Hmmm…. inspired by Cardiacs it says, eh? Those are bold claims and usually ones fraught with diminishing returns…
And yet…. and yet……. and yet, it claims here that these Italian medallions have recorded with Cardiacs drummer Bob Leith, so they must be as Cardiacy as those Cardiacs were Cardiacy? Right? Right???? Well, not quite.
That however, is a strength here because only Cardiacs can be Cardiacs, so why set yourself - right from the get and go - to fail in spectacular fastidiousness? Instead the Italian duo of Emanuele Sterbini (bass, electric/acoustic guitars, keyboards, organ, gong, vocals, vibes, drum programming, small pekinese dog riding and clog curator) and Dominique D’Avanzo (recorders, flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, gong, vocals, stair climbing and consummate tap dancer no doubt) have assembled a cast large enough to start their own small settlement and then set them to work slavishly creating what is, well a huge amount.
Of Fun! Yes, Fun! FUN!!!
With Zappa also cackled as a musical starting point, you know we are going to get song titles like “The Great Wallop Dollop”, “Razor Legs” and “The Amazing Frozen Yogurt”. Thankfully we also find the “Congratulator” and yes, I think I will, because the riff laden madness that’s interspersed with organ hoots, drum damage and hooks that snarl and yelp, deserves a warm shake of the hand by way of nods of approval. Oh, and even though both main stayers are credited with vocals, this is all instrumental. And where are the stairs?
Easy rides? Stop sniggering, because there ain’t any here, and yet this is accessible, from the start, the very beginning and also the first time you hear it. Catchy? Well, don’t droppy, because nothing here is floppy. Rather it’s the breath that needs to be held as “Big Daisy” seems to headlong the Flash Gordon soundtrack into some Zelda video game music, while “Back To Black Delivery” darts and smarts as you grin.
Anyway, in all seriousness. Solar Barbecue? Yes and thank you, I think I will.
Track Listing
1. Billa
2. The Great Wallop Dollop
3. Back To Black Delivery
4. Razor Legs
5. Ruben, Raja, Lieve, Nike
6. The Amazing Frozen Yogurt
7. Any Minute Now
8. Congratulator
9. Big Daisy
Added: May 17th 2023 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: Sterbus @ bandcamp Hits: 900 Language: english
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