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Periphery: Periphery V-Djent Is Not A Genre

Is Djent a genre? Or is it a word used to describe a riffing style that is used across many genres? Are Periphery Djent? Metalcore? Progressive Metal?

At odds with the Album’s title, I would have probably been happy to classify Periphery as a Djent band, but clearly they’re not-so-subtly requesting that we refrain from this…..but enough of the Djent rambling-what is their new album V like?

All in all, Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre sounds like a Periphery album to my ears. The trademark high calibre musicianship is on show and there are plenty of rhythmically heavy, stop start riffs (dje….), along with the typical mix of clean and screamed vocals. The drumming is fantastic, maintaining an underlying groove to the heaviness throughout. On this release they’ve added some orchestration and synths to the typical mix which has made their sound more elaborate than usual too.

Given my penchant for virtuosic, heavy progressive music I should like this album, but unfortunately for me Spencer Sotelo’s vocals just rub me up the wrong way. There’s nothing technically wrong with his vocal approaches but his styles in both the clean and screamed styles just stop me from finding any lasting enjoyment from this album. There are great musical moments on this release and some top shelf guitar playing too, but his vocals leave me cold every time. Its certainly a personal taste issue. I’ve tried to put my finger on what it is that I don’t like about the vocals, and I can only conclude that they give me flash backs Emo bands from the mid 2000’s-It’s just not my cup of tea.

The most endearing aspect of this release is the absolute ‘troll move’ of titling the album Djent is not a Genre, only to open the release with one of the most Djenty sounding riffs I’ve ever heard ("Wildfire").

Given I’ve been allocated this album to review I’ve persisted through this release for much longer than I would have otherwise, but I haven’t been able to warm to it. I’d be much happier listening to an instrumental version of this album if there was one available. I’ve rated this album 2.5 stars because I didn’t feel right rating it any lower when the musicianship is so good. Don’t be put off my personal taste though-I’m sure Periphery have delivered exactly what their fans have been patiently waiting for, so if you enjoy their past work, be sure to give it a listen.

Track Listing
1. ‘Wildfire’
2. ‘Atropos’
3. ‘Wax Wings’
4. ‘Everything Is Fine!’
5. ‘Silhouette’
6. ‘Dying Star’
7. ‘Zagreus’
8. ‘Dracul Gras’
9. ‘Thanks Nobuo’

Added: March 3rd 2023
Reviewer: Chris Reid
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1160
Language: english

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» Reader Comments:

Periphery: Periphery V-Djent Is Not A Genre
Posted by SonicCypher on 2023-03-06 07:48:15
My Score:

It does both the reviewer and the band a disservice to have someone review the album who dislikes the voice of a singer who has been with the band since their debut recording.

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