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Salvatori, Tom: Late Night Guitar

To reveal the flavour of Late Night Guitar by Tom Salvatori I’ll let the acoustic six-string man himself explain the rationale behind this collection of music… “The highest honor ever bestowed upon me as a musician had nothing to do with the footlights at Carnegie Hall, celebrity status or glowing reviews in the papers. It came quietly, almost unnoticeably, from a darkened room across the hallway one night. It was from the little voice of a child. . . “Dad, can you come in here and play your guitar?” Begrudgingly, and almost heeding the "you'll only keep him up" advice from my wife, I walked across the hall, sat on the edge of the bed and played some of my quieter compositions. After wiggling a little foot and getting no response, I left the room. I didn't understand it right away, but after countless nights of serenading my little ones to sleep, I realized that I had received the ultimate gift of validation for my music… a child's approval!”

And so yes, there’s no doubt that in many ways this album is meant to put you to sleep, but actually that’s no bad thing because there are moments where de-stressing is a key tool to have in one’s box, and in many ways that’s exactly what this album can enable us to do. Featuring thirteen tracks composed by Tom and members of his online musical community, the arrangements across this album really are quite magnificent, the beautiful guitar work joined at times by cello, flute, oboe, piano, recorder, bass celeste and ‘effects’. Now, I didn’t know that there was an instrumental ‘child’s music scene’ until I read up about this album on Tom’s website, but unsurprisingly Late Night Guitar has been lauded by critics of that style. However, until I discovered that notion the thought that this was anything other than a collection of calming acoustic guitar led pieces to be enjoyed by all, hadn’t even entered my mind. I can’t, hand on heart, tell you that this is an album I’d listen to on all occasions, but then I’d guess that was never its intention. However, taken in context and as a way to close a day, it really is an engaging and beautiful experience.

Track Listing
1. Tucker’s Lullaby
2. Easy Pieces
3. Another Lullaby
4. One String Melody
5. Soft Landing
6. Lost Time in Kauai
7. Michelle’s Lullaby
8. Sun Porch on Sunday
9. Second String Melody
10. Feather Fall
11. Rolling Along
12. Further Downhill
13. Sweetest Lullaby/Closing the Door

Added: November 5th 2022
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Salvatori Productions
Hits: 512
Language: english

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