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Rhapsody of Fire: Glory For Salvation

Alex Staropoli has certainly seen many changes during his tenure in Rhapsody Of Fire. From the shift from the original Rhapsody to Rhapsody Of Fire, the departure of fellow founding member, co-writer and guitarist Luca Turilli in 2011, to bringing aboard new singer Giacomo Voli in 2016. With all this upheaval Alex however has managed to keep the ship steady and on course. With the sole songwriting duties firmly under his stewardship the band have been able to not only continue but to bring on new fans along the way while retaining and even developing their signature style.

Glory For Salvation is a thematic continuation of the Nephilim's Empire Saga, which began with The Eighth Mountain. The heroic tales are of course punctuated with Rhapsody Of Fire’s well-honed brand of epic symphonic power metal. With plenty of soaring vocals from both Giacomo and the backing choirs, to the fast paced rhythmic attack of the drums, the first class guitar riffing and soloing that continues to be top tier for this band and all with the lush keyboard and symphonic elements that have been the bread and butter for these guys for years now. “Son Of Vengeance” opens up the album and gives you exactly what you would expect. The symphonic passage prepares you for battle and when the band kicks in its riffing hard and bound for glory. Pure modern Power Metal. “The Kingdom Of Ice” comes out of the gate a little heavier, reminding me of the band in its first incarnation, while songs like “Terial The hawk” show a more folk metal approach. There are an abundance of great guitar lines from Roby De Micheli like the opening to “Maid Of The Secret Sand” which is pure fire.

Rhapsody Of Fire hasn't broken the mold or reinvented the wheel with Glory For Salvation but they have delivered once again at the top of the genre. I can envision thousands of festival goers with their hands in the air, loving every second of this. If Power Metal is your thing, and admittedly it is only mine at the best of times, then Glory For Salvation will surely not disappoint. It’s full of powerful and dramatic music, expertly played and delivered with plenty of passion. In a genre that can often feel very stale and repetitive, Glory For Salvation reminds us how it should be done.

Current members:
Alex Staropoli- keyboards
Roberto De Micheli -lead and rhythm guitar
Alessandro Sala- bass
Giacomo Voli- lead vocals
Paolo Marchesich -drums

  1. Son of Vengeance
  2. The Kingdom of Ice
  3. Glory for Salvation
  4. Eternal Snow
  5. Terial the Hawk
  6. Maid of the Secret Sand
  7. Abyss of Pain II
  8. Infinitae Gloriae
  9. Magic Signs
  10. I'll Be Your Hero
  11. Chains of Destiny
  12. Un'ode per l'eroe
  13. La Esencia de un Rey

Added: January 15th 2022
Reviewer: Benjamin Dudai
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 864
Language: english

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