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Dalton, Jac: Tempus Fugit

Tempus Fugit, Jac Dalton tells us and indeed it does. With (and it’s quite difficult to confirm this, some places say two but Jac’s website suggests otherwise) four releases already behind him. Eight years have passed since he teamed up with Skyfire Interactive to help promote his music, so now seems as good a time as any for a chronological romp through the best of the Dalton catalogue.

Although not born there, Dalton now hails from Australia and his music certainly has elements of the straight ahead rock that country is know for, but in truth there’s a much more American, bluesy feel in play here. That said, variety is reasonably high on the agenda, however that’s not always a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, the likes of “Waterline” is a solid hard hitter with a cracking, melodic guitar solo and gritty edge, while “Eye Of The Storm” is more chorus driven and with its little keyboard motifs, much more melodic rock in flavour. Personally I can’t quite shake off the notion that its ultra-cheesy chorus and mega-bright snare pop is a left over from a Phineas & Ferb soundtrack, but it is good fun - kinda. “Good To Go” on the other hand, other than a clever keyboard line that floats through it, heads into country rock territory, while “For Love” is much more classic in its melodic, blues rock tinge.

The man himself has a fine voice, full of character and instantly likeable in a storytelling kind of way and it has to be said that the music he creates is more about lifting the spirits than it is dealing with tough topics, but then on a summer’s day, it makes for a good backdrop to a relaxing time. And as career overviews go, it’s difficult to find too much to fault, even if there are very few surprises along the way.

A couple of covers are thrown on the album’s tail to add some extra value and while tackling Aerosmith’s “Sweet Emotion” and Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead Or Alive” may, for possibly different reasons, seem like thankless tasks, both are instantly recognisable, while still having enough new impetus to be a whole lot of fun. That really seems to be the theme here, Jac Dalton obviously loving the music he creates, and to his credit, it’s difficult not to have a great time along side him as your time with Tempus Fugit flies by.

Track Listing
1. Dirty, Mean & Nasty
2. Eye Of The Storm
3. Fire Burns
4. For Your Love
5. Good Bad Girl
6. Good To Go
7. Hardcore Superstar
8. Just Enough To Believe
9. Locked, Cocked & Ready To Rock
10. One Heart, One Land
11. Powderkeg
12. Sweet Emotion
13. Wanted Dead Or Alive
14. Waterline
15. When I’m Alone With You

Added: September 11th 2021
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Jac Dalton online
Hits: 677
Language: english

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