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Rigoni, Alberto: For the Love of Bass

Italian bassist Alberto Rigoni has made an album that lives up to its title. For the Love of Bass -- a 47-minute excursion into the deep end -- will have your sound system rumbling (and may blow the doors off your ride if playing while driving). Rigoni proves himself to be a composer of serious stature by giving each of these 12 songs their own identity, setting less of a groove and more of a mood. Pieces span such genres as ambient, fusion and jazz, and to complement his own playing, Rigoni called in some of his fellow bass-playing brethren. The lineup includes Tony Franklin, Doug Wimbish, Michael Manring, Cody Wright, Adam Nitti, David Pastorius, Lars Lehmann, Mohini Dey, Nathan East and Leland Sklar. Rigoni connoisseurs might be able to identify which notes their hero plays and which ones come from Rigoni's pals, but all of these pieces work seamlessly -- as if Rigoni has been gigging with these players for years. A cool concept exceptionally executed.

Track Listing:
1. Drops of Memories (feat. Tony Franklin)
2. In the Loop (feat. David Pastorius)
3. Dreamers (feat. Michael Manring)
4. Alone in the Dark (feat. Doug Wimbish)
5. Paranoia (feat. Cody Wright)
6. The Maze (feat. Mohini Dey)
7. Masked Souls (feat. Nathan East & Michael Manring)
8. Social Distortion (feat. Adam Nitti)
9. Mad World Bass Cover (feat. Leland Sklar)
10. Killers (feat. Lars Lehmann)
11. Misirlou Bass Cover (feat. Lars Lehmann)
12. Lost (feat. Adam Nitti)

Added: June 8th 2021
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Alberto Rigoni's Website
Hits: 1144
Language: english

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