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Sodom: Genesis XIX

Glesenkirchen’s Teutonic Thrash icons Sodom pronounce their homecoming to the Heavy Metal land that sustainably ushers a fresh breath-taking state of genesis and success to initiate a murder of crows into the searing lava-filled circle pits of firing brimstone. Elegant frontman and bassist Tom Angelripper pledges allegiance to the Thrash world with a combined strength of the accompanying trio Frank Blackfire on predator soaring guitars, Toni Merkel on the death-defying drums and yet again Yorck Segatz on the galvanizing axe from the darkened abyss; combining the unknown forces of maximal grime and unalloyed filth into the abattoir of retribution and demising affliction.

Massively atmospheric and pitch-blackened numbers ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ and the hell-founded ‘Euthanasia’ undeniably get things profoundly stimulated here; aggressively hitting down the barricades of heavenly protection and ripping through any stereotypical Thrash Metal seasoning with an unpreserved hint of blood-curling Black Metal. Angelripper is in exceptional form throughout on this unilluminated offering, leaving listeners simply speechless with his diabolic rage of vocalized infrastructure and undoubtedly capitalizes on his command over the vulnerable flock; luring them into the outfit's abominable realm with the stupefying German vocabularied ‘Nicht Mehr Mein Land’ and the hurtling jaw-breaking anthem ‘Glock N’Roll’ that is certifiably splashed with a mind-blowing lead guitar solo before hitting the fleetness of the brain-busting closer ‘Friendly Fire’ of this dense collection of headbanging turmoil.

Moreover, there is a baby basket of tracks that will take a notable period of time to adjust to as they materialize to be more on the extensive side and can seem moderately unappealing, however this is not the case at all. Inputting demoniacal compositions like the distinguished rifftastic benefaction of ‘The Harponeer’ and the genuinely apprising grower of the elevating title track ‘Genesis XIX’ varies things up a little; pummelling through like the imposing machinery of a locomotive steam train. Sodom are on some devilish branch of herculean form here and the incorporation of brand-new drummer Toni is like a breath of fresh air amongst the cataclysmic midst of this competent breed of fine Blackened Thrash musicality.

Track Listing

  1. Blind Superstition
  2. Sodom & Gomorrah
  3. Euthanasia
  4. Genesis XIX
  5. Nicht Mehr Mein Land
  6. Glock N’Roll
  7. The Harponeer
  8. Dehumanzied
  9. Occult Perpetration
  10. Waldo & Pigpen
  11. Indoctrination
  12. Friendly Fire

Added: October 31st 2020
Reviewer: James Mannion
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 2304
Language: english

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