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Caron, David J: The Greatest Ever Deception

As detailed in my review of his previous album, Thru Ever-Ending Black (see here) myself and David J Caron have an interesting back story but the best thing to do as we approach his latest full length release, The Greatest Ever Deception, is to put all of that behind us as we take in this latest outing from the Irish based ‘one man band’. In terms of style Caron pulls from classic 80s melodic rock for his inspirations, with hooks and choruses his chosen weapon as we take a sixteen song run through some serious subjects - the main one of which is Caron’s strong belief in the Flat Earth Theory. That’s the topic of opening cut “Wake Up You’re Only Dreaming” which truly does prove the old adage that an album’s true killer cut should be placed front, centre and right at its opening. Never is that more apt, with a deep gargled voice introducing things in enigmatic style as a bass line thrums, hums and thunders deep through your chest. The riff that picks up the theme is equally as intoxicating and with the earlier effect laden voice alternating with what is, that I’ve heard anyway, Caron’s best ever vocal, there’s no denying that it all makes for a truly epic introduction.

Lyrically the Flat Earth theme is visited again a few times across this album (Caron has a $10,000 challenge live on youtube for anyone who can disprove his 10 theories of Flat Earth) but if that as a concept - intelligently argued as it is - proves a turn off for you, then rest assured that other ideas are also handled, with many of the songs containing their messages in metaphorical form that allows you to both sing along and exercise the mind at the same time.

More importantly, to me anyway, is that in general the songs are also good time romps that contain excellent little melodic bombs that explode in the mind and reside there for a long time after the album has stopped spinning. “Jezebel” for example slows the pace to brooding atmospheres as it shows off a killer guitar solo, while “Guiding Light” is more than willing to take us by the hand on a razor sharp riff and a restrained break-down that offers keen counterpoint. As with Caron’s previous album, for my taste, there are maybe a few too many effects used on the vocals, giving them a slightly electro-edge in places, while the programmed/sampled drums can feel ever so slightly clipped in places. That said, there’s no denying that DJC can write a song and with little gems such as “Ends Of The Earth” and the ever so sprightly “Loyal To The End”, it’s a skill that’s put to extremely good use.

As I’ve said previously about David J Caron’s music, on a purely personal level, I’d love to hear his songs presented with a real top rate singer and an equally talented drummer, but that doesn’t stop there from being a lot to get thoroughly embroiled with on The Greatest Ever Deception. I may not share some of the central beliefs on this album - although I’ve no doubt we are all deceived and controlled on a daily basis - but that in no way makes it difficult to understand where David J Caron is coming from, or indeed enjoying how he chooses to present it.

Track Listing
1. Wake Up, You’re Only Dreaming
2. I am Infinity
3. Jezabel
4. Somewhere Nowhere
5. License to Kill
6. Until an Arc Appears
7. Loyal to the End
8. Miss Mysterious
9. Time itself would Cease
10. Ring of Power
11. Guiding Light Home
12. Fear of the Dragon Forgotten
13. Ends of the Earth
14. Waiting for Never
15. Awakening
16. Impenetrable Mystery

Added: July 19th 2020
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: The Greatest Ever Deception on bandcamp
Hits: 759
Language: english

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