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Scott Allen Project: Escape Velocity

Scott Allen Project has been around since their debut album titled What Lies Beyond Words, released in 2006. From The Blindside (2009) and III (2015), my first exposure to the band, followed suit. The band is back with a new album, this time an EP titled Escape Velocity. The band is Scott Allen (electric guitar, 7 string electric guitar, acoustic guitar), Brian Kinney (bass guitar) and Tom Frost (drums and percussion). Special guest musician is none other than Derek Sherinian adding keyboards and organ.

I said it last time and I’ll say it again, Scott Allen is a very impressive guitarist. His signature axe slinging is all over this disc beginning with the first track “Hitting The Wall”. Sherinian also makes his presence felt adding some excellent organ work. Slowly winding guitar and faster rhythms make the heavy “The Tosser” another great track. The slower licks burn with emotion and the faster guitar pyrotechnics prove what an exceptional player Scott is. The tasty arpeggio guitar and faster fretwork in “Headed Due North” is really catchy as is the acoustic guitar in “Sunset”, another excellent track. The last track is a cover of the Aldo Nova tune “Fantasy” and the band does a great job bringing lots of energy into the mix.

My only complaint is the album’s brevity, which is of course what you’d expect from an EP. I just really wanted to hear this project burn through a few more tunes. Take that as a complement as Escape Velocity is another easy recommendation.

Track Listing:
1. Hitting The Wall (3:35)
2. The Tosser (3:35)
3. Headed Due North (4:21)
4. Wrecked (6:30)
5. Sunset (3:33)
6. Taking The A Train (3:28)
7. Fantasy (4:00)

Added: May 29th 2020
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's Official Site
Hits: 1583
Language: english

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