Insect Ark: The Vanishing
Insect Ark follows up on their brilliant album Marrow Hymns with a release that is just as harrowing, soaring, and challenging. If you’ve never listened to this band before, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and dive into the wild sounds of psychedelic doom. If you do, you’ll feel surrounded by sounds that will quickly guide you into spaces that are dark, hopeful, tragic, haunting, and strange. You might occasionally feel overwhelmed, but don’t let it frighten you too much; you’ll eventually find your way back to solid ground. Or will you? There’s nothing especially safe about this album. According to Dana Schechter, much of the inspiration came from a daydream she had in which she floated out to sea and disappeared. On a larger scale, the album is also about the way our own lives remind us of our finitude. Listening to this album will certainly expand your musical horizons, but it may also make you feel like you’re the one vanishing into its oceanic depths. That is partly due to the nearly immersive way the music draws you in, but it is also partly because the music shifts and dives in ways that are lulling and dangerous.
Even though Dana Schechter plays multiple instruments, Insect Ark has typically showcased her talents on the lap stell guitar, particularly the way it sends everything soaring into shimmering heights and uncanny depths. Joining Schechter this time is Andy Patterson (ex-SubRosa), a drummer of considerable skill. His beats have great power but they are never so persistent (or so repetitive) that they pull you out of the overall experience.
If you’re curious to check out this band, I highly recommend “Three Gates,” “Philae,” and “Danube.” For deeper cuts, go with “Swollen Sun” or the 10-minute title track. Did I mention that I love this album? Marrow Hymns is one of my favorite albums and this release deserves its place alongside it.
Track Listing:
1. Tectonic
2. Three Gates
3. Philae
4. Danube
5. Swollen Sun
6. The Vanishing
Added: February 26th 2020 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link: Band Website Hits: 1282 Language: english
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