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Crazy Lixx: Forever Wild

Frontiers Records really love to hype their artists in their literature. Recently they described L.A.Guns as “ truly one of the great American hard rock bands of the last 30 years. “which is pretty laughable to be honest but the Italian label has gone into overdrive in respect of Crazy Lixx, “Swedish hard rockers Crazy Lixx are back with another sleaze metal gem that harkens back to the best of ‘80s rock, while also keeping a foot planted in the 21st century. Forever Wild further cements Crazy Lixx as one of the leaders of the Scandinavian led ‘80s hard rock revival. “ Is the Scandinavian led ‘80s hard rock revival” really a thing? Who are Crazy Lixx leading? Did 80's rock ever really go away or did it get buried underground by grunge and remain there ever since? Do Crazy Lixx even care?

I ask whether or not Crazy Lixx care as it does seem like they give a resolutely zero amount of shits for what else is going on in the world of music so rooted in the past is their sound. This, the band's sixth album is to my ears, their best yet. It's as if the world is still in thrall to Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet or Europe's The Final Countdown and it's a world that ain't ever going to change. Just look at the video for "Silent Thunder", and listen to the song as well for proof. This is a song so full of vocal and guitar hooks that I woke up in the middle of the night last night singing the chorus in my head then playing an imaginary air guitar. In bed. At 0400. Honest.

Lyrically some of the songs might make the PC brigade cough their lattes up �" I'm looking at you "(She's Wearing) Yesterday's Face" but actually there's a definite sense of good old fashioned pop metal fun on Forever Wild and in troubled times there's definitely a need for that.

Track Listing:
  1. Wicked
  2. Break Out
  3. Silent Thunder
  4. (She's Wearing) Yesterday's Face
  5. Eagle
  6. Terminal Velocity
  7. It's You
  8. Love Don't Live Here Anymore
  9. Weekend Lover
  10. Never Die (Forever Wild)

Added: May 14th 2019
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1137
Language: english

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