Altar of Oblivion: The Seven Spirits
Altar of Oblivion starts this album with “Created in the Fires of Holiness” a haunting tune with an opening riff reminiscent of Candlemass with a vocalist with a knack for Type O Negative-style drama. But these folks are definitely classic 80’s progressive metal with minor modern diversions. In “Solemn Messiah” it’s obviously this vocal operatic approach is the natural talent of a most unique singer and he carries this track admirably.
“Seven Spirits” which refers to the album title is a brilliant gem of story-telling via metal infusion. It is also where the band comes with through with superior guitar and drum work and very nice band background vocals. I can clearly see this track on the radio promoting an inspiration collective of passionate power and poise.
The final track “Grand Gesture of Defiance” is more than a fabulously inventive song title it is a blazing track of massive guitar lead and incredible vocals meant to stir even the blessed resting souls of long past. One cannot be moved beyond music to their efforts in this giant of a song which leaves no doubt in my mind of their rightful place in progressive metal history. The Seven Spirits is an artistic endeavor of sonic restraint in an age where every player gives into the need to shout, tear and bash their way to attention. This is what a band is supposed to be at their cooperative best. May many follow.
Track Listing
Created in the Fires of Holiness
No One Left
Gathering at the Wake
The Seven Spirits 04:22
Language of the Dead 05:43
Solemn Messiah
Grand Gesture of Defiance
Added: April 7th 2019 Reviewer: Mark Antony Rossi Score: Related Link: Band @ Bandcamp Hits: 1593 Language: english
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