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Soen: Lotus

Soen doesn’t do things by half measures, but there’s nothing simple about their drive or ambition. On this album, the band works begins working through the problems associated with contemporary society, particularly its chaos, its sadness, and its potential isolation. But the band is not only dwelling on the negative. They are also wondering how music can offer hope and perhaps even the motivation to forge ahead. Such themes come across clearly, both in the lyrics and in the band’s generally melodic, progressive, and bright style. Listeners attuned to rough or raspy vocals may find the clear and melodic vocal style somewhat offputting, but don’t let the vocals stop you from discovering Soen’s talent. Soen is a thoughtful and insightful band and the music here is honestly working through some real questions. For those who want to dive even deeper into things, check out the album art. I haven’t worked through all the symbols, but they are supposed to convey a sense of insight and growing consciousness.

Track Listing:
1. Opponent
2. Lascivious
3. Martyrs
4. Lotus
5. Covenant
6. Penance
7. River
8. Rival
9. Lunacy

Added: March 30th 2019
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1332
Language: english

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