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Wittmeyer, Travis: Checkered Soda

Checkered Soda is the new instrumental CD from Travis Wittmeyer. All songs are written and performed and mixed by Wittmeyer. Drums are handled by Mike Daillak and two songs have guest bassists. I am always nervous when I get one of these one man shows. I have found that it is hard for a performer/recorder to know when enough is enough, usually piling on riffs until the music is nothing but a showcase of the performer's chops and all sense of song is long since forgotten.

And that is what we have with Checked Soda. There is no doubt that Wittmeyer has the chops. His playing can be both melodic and powerful. His sound is clear and precise and if you like rocking guitar, this is a good CD to listen to. But unfortunately, this is a showcase for guitar sound rather than a collection of well crafted songs.

"Tri Manta Si " is the most complete song with a fine counter melody running through out. "Funky South Sun" and "Journey Between" have their moments where you feel like you are getting more than just riffs and solos, but there is not enough interaction to make these memorable songs. The playing will wow you, but the songs won't stick in your head.

Checked Soda is one of those CDs that is hard to rate, since you have to give high marks for the performance, but lower those marks a little when you combine them into song. Travis Wittmeyer's talent is obvious. This CD is for anyone who wants to take in that talent.

Track Listing
1) Bucket of Rats (5:17)
2) Seven Nipples (4:10)
3) Cold Here (5:11)
4) Funky South Sun (5:08)
5) Journey Between (5:03)
6) Little Bug (4:58)
7) Tri Manta Si (6:56)
8) Novel Sting (4:30)
9) Cronosaurusraffegus (7:36)

Added: February 28th 2005
Reviewer: Steve Ambrosius
Related Link: Travis Wittmeyer
Hits: 2776
Language: english

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