Thy Catafalque: Geometria
Thy Catafalque is a long-running solo project by the talented composer, Tamás Kátai. Even though Kátai’s early work focused mainly on black metal, he quickly began to explore other musical styles and sounds, including Hungarian folk music, electronic music, and atmospheric sounds. On this album, Kátai wrote the music and contributed his talents on vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards, percussion, and programming. Joining him are several guest musicians, including the saxophone talents of David Jean-Baptiste on track 4 and the vocal talents of Martina Veronika Horváth (Nulah, Niburta) on multiple tracks.
This is one of those albums that will likely grow on listeners willing to listen to it a few times. On my first listen, I found it interesting and experimental but had a hard time discerning its overall purpose. With subsequent listens, I liked it even better even though I still found it uneven. Some of the tracks warrant repeat playing while others were, to me, forgettable. For fans of extreme metal, there are some of those elements here. I doubt Thy Catafalque will ever move away from them entirely. Even though I enjoy extreme music, I preferred the calmer tracks because they showcased more of Kátai’s experimental side. Those tracks, mellow as they are, suit this project better than black metal. I was especially fond of artina Veronika Horváth’s guest vocals because they were so soothing and mysterious. Fans of Thy Catafalque should enjoy diving into this one, but casual listeners may want to dip their toes in first to see what they think. Try “Balra a nap” or “Töltés.”
Track Listing:
1. Hajnali csillag
2. Szamojéd frescó
3. Töltés
4. Gote
5. Sárember
6. Hajó
7. Lágyrész
8. Sik
9. Balra a nap
10. Tenger, tenger
11. Ének a búzamezokrol
Added: August 4th 2018 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link: Band Facebook Page Hits: 1188 Language: english
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