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Gilken, Diorio, Ferrara, and Knorr: The Bang Story (book)

It's always cool when you see a book written on, basically, an underground heavy band from the 1970s. Bang were a power trio from Pennsylvania who eventually relocated to Florida, got themselves a major record contract, and toured with some of the best bands of the early '70s before fading into obscurity. Written from the guys themselves, guitarist/vocalist Frankie Gilken, bassist/vocalist Frank Ferrara, and drummer Tony Diorio, along with Lawrence Knorr, this is the story of Bang, a band who were basically the perfect marriage of Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad, and The Beatles, releasing three killer albums that should have made them huge, but with little label support they fizzled like so many acts of the day. Read all about how their original debut album was nixed by the record company, only to resurface decades later (it's a good one too!), the crazy tours with the likes of Sabbath and many others, all the behind the scenes shenanigans (some GREAT stories included here, especially their discussion with Ozzy about the peace sign hand signal), but most important, the creation of the albums and the music. Chock full of black & white photographs of the band in the studio & on stage, as well as tour posters, chart listings, and much more memorabilia, this is a fun, fun read of a band that deserved much more success that received. The only shame here is that the band didn't include more commentary of what's been going on with them since their reformation a bunch of years ago, as they are currently band on the live circuit once again. Good read though- check it out!

See more about this release on our recent YouTube show!

Added: May 30th 2018
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1362
Language: english

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