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Susperia: The Lyricist

It’s been nine years since Susperia’s last album. During that time, the band decided it was time to stop exploring the more melodic qualities of extreme metal and return to their roots as a black metal band. They also replaced original singer Athera with Dagon, a singer they’ve worked with in the past. Dagon’s vocals have an old-school heavy metal vibe, the kind that people used to describe as operatic. I’m not sure they are exactly that, but they are clean and strong in ways that evoke a different generation of metal. The good news is that Dagon has a strong voice and isn’t afraid to show it off. For fans of growls and grunts, there are plenty of those as well.

The music on this album is generally strong, but some of the tracks go on a little too long. Overall, the album demonstrates a hard-charging quality that suggests just how hungry these guys are for a fresh start. If you liked Susperia in the past, this album may be a welcome addition to their catalogue. If you are new to the band, this is a good album but maybe not an essential one.

Track Listing:
1. I Entered
2. Heretic
3. The Lyricist
4. My Darkest Moment
5. Day I Died
6. Void
7. Feed the Fire
8. Whore of Man
9. Come Alive

Added: May 4th 2018
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1273
Language: english

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