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Sammal: Suuliekki

Here's a band that approaches songwriting the way I approach essays: Revise until you get it right. This is Sammal's third album and, according to the band, it takes things in a different direction than prior releases. I'm not terribly familiar with the band's earlier work but I take them at their word that this is something different. Each song comes across as a healthy blend of structure and improvisation. There's also a consistent sense of fun and adventure here. The material isn't quite improvised, but it definitely isn't overdone. As I listen to this album, I can almost hear the band trying out different ideas and seeing how they play with everyone else. Fortunately, they work really well. Each track is lively and fresh in ways that reminded me of fun and exciting 70s rock. There are no easy points of comparison here. I'm hearing everything from Jeff Beck to Fleetwood Mac to Deep Purple. Other listeners will hear a completely different mix. There's no right answer—and that's a good thing. For my part, I really liked the title track "Suuliekki" and "Pinnalle kaltevalle." The album closer "Samettimetsä" was mellower than the rest of the album, but it brought things to a close nicely.

Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Suuliekki
3. Lukitut päivät, kiitävät yöt
4. Ylistys ja kumarrus
5. Pinnalle kaltevalle
6. Vitutuksen valtameri
7. Maailman surullisin suomalainen
8. Herran pelko
9. Samettimetsä

Added: March 21st 2018
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Bandcamp Page
Hits: 1847
Language: english

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