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Kryptonite: Kryptonite

I may have banged on before about the way in which Frontiers Records put seemingly disparate musicians together for "projects," well, now I'm going to do it again. Kryptonite are once again the thrown together by the aforementioned record label's head honcho Serafino Perugino and given the opportunity to see what sticks. Now, I love The Poodles and bow to no one in my admiration for their lead singer Jakob Samuels, I am also on record as saying that Alessandro Del Vecchio is one of the most talented musicians I have seen in a live setting, however, very little on this eponymous album warrants this breathless piece of fluff put out by the record company," Sometimes musicians are put together who only know each other from afar via their respective recordings, but something clicks and triggers a magical moment. That's exactly what happened when Jakob Samuels from The Poodles met up with producer Alessandro Del Vecchio. Together, they set off to work on a new band that could offer lyrical concepts that are deep and intelligent with music that operates within the genres they excel in and most importantly, has a great energy and impact."

With talents on board such as guitarist Michael Palace, bassist Pontus Egberg and drummer Robban Bäck Kryptonite was never going to be a dud and indeed it isn't, there's some really pleasing material here such as "Chasing Fire" and "Across the Water" which unsurprisingly hark back to the heyday of the melodic rock genre. In some ways, it's the best thing which Jakob Samuels has put his name to since the first two Poodles albums with "Get Out Be Gone" being a satisfyingly crunchy rocker but overall the album doesn't quite add up to the sum of its core elements with just a little bit too much filler, however, if the protagonists can further their working relationship a second album may really hit the spot.

Track Listing:
  1. Chasing Fire
  2. This is the Moment
  3. Keep the Dream Alive
  4. Fallen Angels
  5. Across the Water
  6. Love Can Be Stronger
  7. Knowing Both of Us
  8. Get Out Be Gone
  9. One Soul
  10. Better Than Yesterday
  11. No Retreat No Surrender

Added: October 4th 2017
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Frontiers Records
Hits: 1439
Language: english

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