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Sounds Like The End Of The World: Stories

And now for something completely different. Well not really but if you are at all familiar with the fantastic Progressive Promotion Records you will know progressive rock is their mainstay. That's why I was so surprised when I listened to German band Sounds Like The End Of The World and their new album Stories. This is the first post rock band to make the roster and I think this will be a very good fit.

In the band are Michał Badecki (bass guitar), Michał Baszuro (electric guitar), Tomasz Hoffman (drums) and Wojciech Kowal (electric guitar).

This is fine instrumental music that really brings it down to the basics of rock with just guitar, bass and drums. But don't let that fool you into thinking there is not much going on here as that is certainly not the case. Major and minor guitar chords shape and twist the soundscape in an undeniably tasty way. The drumming changes patterns often creating shifting tempos ranging from minimal beats to more complex motifs.

The first track "No Trespassing" is a good idea of what this album is all about. Single thumping notes backed by blast beats leads to distorted riffs laying down a sonic textural delight. The riffs stop and start again as the tempo changes and the drums become more complex. From light to heavy the music continues to grow all the while remaining pretty catchy to the ear before ending on a calmer note. With "Walk With Me" the soundscape is mellow before building up as razor edged guitar grinds in the background. This one has a certain Pink Floyd element which is never a bad thing at least for me. Whether the guitar chords slash and burn or offer a gentler approach, rich tapestries of sound are created. The guitar work in the hypnotic "Breaking The Waves" makes for another stunner. The rest of the album is just as entertaining.

If you are into the post rock scene Stories is an album you are sure to enjoy. I congratulate the band for finding a great label to call home.

Track Listing:
1. No Trespassing
2. Walk With Me
3. Breaking The Waves
4. Obsession
5. Faults
6. Outflow
7. Acceptance
8. All Over Again

Added: June 22nd 2017
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Label's Official Site
Hits: 1641
Language: english

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