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Dazed Marrow: Gaeseki Dream Machine

Dealing in richly textured, haunting soundscapes, South Korea's Dazed Marrow belongs in the world of synth masters – and to have given himself a better name. Rhythms play a part in this vast and varied landscape and yet, they exist much more to occasionally ground the whole experience, rather than to build any sort of groove. That approach can often lend the Gaeseki Dream Machine album a thought provoking edge, the sixteen tracks revealing a world to get lost in and which can often find the mind wandering. The music itself is equally contemplative, a constant challenge to the listener to decipher the meaning, the message and the muse. Are there definitive answers? In truth, probably not, those knee deep in the pops, laughs and sweeps of "In Your Heart" allowed to construct their own deeper reasons for the music's meanders.

Long pieces, such as the nearly nine minute "Feel Better My Friend" showcase two of the spectrum ends GDM can create, a collection of music-less sounds akin to electronic whale song, causing frantic grasping for any reason to stick with what's been laid down. However when a stuttering, more conventional beat is inserted underneath, a clarity that refused to show itself previously comes to the rescue. It's a balancing act attempted throughout, a real belief shown in the ability of the likes of "Outside In (Lucid Dream)" or "Codex Gigas" to carry the hopes and attention on sometimes the thinnest of premise and thickest of atmospheres. More often than not expectations are met and yet there's little denying that the attention can often be held by the most desperately gripping fingers on the ledge of lost intent.

All bar one of the tracks are fresh compositions, the closing "Outro" remixed from "Vignette" and "Loved Ones" by JackCote, although it's carried out in such a way that allows it to slip seamlessly into the fabric of a conceptually tight album. For all the singular vision this collection contains, there is enough held within its construction to have a broad appeal across those looking for synthesized dreams. Although, even in those circumstances, the visions of Gaeseki Dream Machine aren't always guaranteed to emit from the album itself, the onus put firmly on the listener to not only make their mind up but to also expand upon this album's base. If that doesn't sound like too much hard work, settle down for some time in the dream machine.

Track Listing
1. Daeseki Gream Machine
2. Insomnia Euphoria
3. Binary Brain
4. Synergy
5. Outside-In (Lucid Dream)
6. Rqn Piano
7. Feel Better My Friend
8. In Your Heart
9. Outro (Remix Of †jackcote†'s "Vignette" And "Loved Ones")

Added: June 17th 2017
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Gaeseki Dream Machine on bandcamp
Hits: 1626
Language: english

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