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Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L: Matilda

Once again Svart Records throws another curveball at the listener, this time in the form of Matilda, the latest release from Finnish act Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L. The band lists their style as 'Scandinavian voodoo...not sure exactly what that means, but Matilda is anything but conventional. It sure ain't metal, definitely not prog, closer actually to Finnish pop with bits of jazz, psychedelia, and folk, complete with Käppi's quirky vocals and jouhikko, an ancient Karelian bowed three-string lyre, and the bands vast array of acoustic and electronic instruments. All the vocals are in Finnish, so right there that's going to limit the appeal of this album to many listeners, but there's a certain charm here that could help you overlook that roadblock. The title track is actually a catchy little tune, the male & female vocals dreamy, surrounded by stringed instruments, percussion, and woodwinds, almost like a Finnish mish-mash of early Traffic and late period Beatles, while "Kivi kulkee" brings in heavy guitar riffs and violin for a sort of psychedelic ELO. "Palavien lasten laulu" even dips into alternative rock territory, and overall it's probably one of the most accessible songs here with plenty of appeal. Sadly though, much of Matilda lacks focus, and is kind of all over the place, but it's well worth a listen to those wanting to explore some ethnic Finnish sounds.

Track Listing
01 Ikuiset pahantekijät
02 Sata irti revittyä kieltä
03 Matilda
04 Supermies
05 Kivi kulkee
06 Armoa ihminen
07 Palavien lasten laulu
08 Hullu tyttö
09 Oksia, puita, kuolleitten luita
10 Kaikkeus

Added: April 8th 2017
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1412
Language: english

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