Apokrifna Realnost: Na Rekah Vavilonskih
Even though my computer flagged almost every word so far, I'm pretty sure I typed them all correctly. This recording originally appeared on cassette in 1988. I doubt it circulated very far but I would like to think that anyone who heard the music here would want to share it with at least one other person. The music here is steeped in the sacred. The cover art (and the glorious and long booklet) includes a transcription of Luke 19:41-44 written in archaic Serbian Cyrilic. I won't cite the Biblical passage at length, but it refers to a time of judgment when peace no longer stands and people are left alone and wondering what happened. The music here includes vocals reminiscent of old Gregorian chants, though I'm sure there's more to them than that. Alongside those vocals, the music is largely comprised of subtle post-industrial sounds. This is a highly creative album, one that pushes against the conventions of rock music but retains its overall sense of rebellion and challenge. Some listeners will find it perplexing; this is hardly heavy metal in any of its forms. And yet, the music is brash and strong and tense. It also weaves into things sounds and texts that are both ancient and, for some, sacred. I've listened to this recording multiple times over the last week or so and I find it haunting, engaging, and satisfying each time. I have no doubt that some listeners will love it and others will ignore it. It won't appeal to everyone but it deserves the reissue treatment it's getting here. I'll have this one on regular rotation for a long time.
Track Listing:
1. Dzvezdo yavljayushtaya solntze
2. Beseda pri vhode v lerusalime
3. Mir prezhde rozhdestva
4. Na rekah vavilonskih
5. Kondak Sviatomu Prohoru Pchinskom
Added: March 1st 2017 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link: Band Label Page Hits: 1737 Language: english
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