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Tiebreaker: Death Tunes

Quickly following up their debut, We Come From The Mountains, Norway's Tiebreaker are back and this times they're dancing a jolly jig to some Death Tunes! It's an uncompromising name and an uncompromising sound, everything from Black Stone Cherry to Kvelertak or Rival Sons to Pearl Jam hammered out with real intensity. There's no doubt that this bunch of lads who see their music as a way to break out of the seemingly dead end life their small town existence serves up, know how to play from the heart, the authentic energy that bursts from the likes of "Hell" and "Pan American Grindstone" only able to come from a band who mean it. There's no posturing, no woe is me, no how cool am I?, about this release, instead when Tiebreaker put their foot to the floor, you know they're about to rush forth with a full force howl of attitude, not swagger.

Singer Thomas Espeland Karlsen reminds of Eddie Vedder back when he had something to get angry about, the barely in control expulsions sounding like they're near to shredding his throat as he hurls them into the mix at full velocity. However, for all the vim and verve, this is no throwaway tantrum, everything from "Commando" to "Killer" pinpoint in execution, although you thankfully couldn't call what this band do, chiselled. Whether they took months to record this album, or a couple of afternoons, the vibe and atmosphere that's been captured is what hurls you along in the Tiebreaker maelstrom, something producer, Bjarte Lund Rolland (the songwriter and guitarist in Kvelertak) can take huge credit for. It's seldom you hear a studio performance that genuinely sounds like the band sat down and plugged in in your front room, but that's exactly what's been achieved here.

With a twin guitar attack at their disposal through Eirik Wik Haug and Olav Areklett Vikingstad, but the wisdom to not shove that fact down your throat, even the slower moments such as "Anywhere But Here" sound rich, full and thick, the band's rage barely controlled, even if it is displayed through a wondrous melody line. While "Heavy Lifting" closes the album out with a gently swaying chant and chime, which slowly builds into a crushing crash of guitars – heady stuff indeed.

Living up to a debut which has gained many admiring glances can be a burden too tough to carry for many a young band. Tiebreaker simply don't care, instead delivering a mighty statement with album number two. Ensuring these are the most satisfying Death Tunes you'll ever hear.

Track Listing
1. Hell
2. Pan American Grindstone
3. Cannonball
4. Commando
5. Anywhere But Here
6. The Deep
7. Building Up To Die
8. Killer
9. Float Away
10. Heavy Lifting

Added: February 20th 2017
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Tiebreaker on bandcamp
Hits: 1486
Language: english

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