Marilyn Manson meets latter-day Theatre of Tragedy by way of an introduction from Rammstein on Scheissmessiah, the fourth album from the cyber/industrial-metal maniacs Hanzel Und Gretyl. Supposedly integrating the concept of heaven and hell through Dante's "Inferno" and Handel's "Messiah," the two men and two women in Hanzel Und Gretyl make terrifying music sung in both English and German. Needless to say, despite its references to the "Messiah" (and the inclusion of snippets from the actual performance), this is not holiday fare - as the song "Burning Bush" attests: "The bush is on fire/Let that mutha bitch burn/Burn that muthafucka/Burn that muthafucka." Like those lyrics, much of the music here begins to repeat itself early on …
Track Listing:
1) Lust
2) Fikk Dich Mit Fire
3) Kaiser Von Shizer
4) Disko Fire Scheiss Messiah
5) Blut! Sex! Fire!
6) Burning Bush
7) Sheissway to Hell
8) And We Shall Purify
9) 10th Circle
10) Hellalujah
11) Purity
Total Time: 39:59