Security Project: Live 1
Anyone reading these pages knows the name Peter Gabriel. He is synonymous with progressive rock first with Genesis, then as a solo artist with over ten studio albums and many live releases to his credit. His pedigree is second to none so it should come as no surprise a tribute album of sorts has come out of the woodwork. Of course this is no ordinary tribute album as these musicians are amazing in their own right. We have King Crimson guitarist Trey Gunn (touch guitar, backing vocals), Gabriel band member Jerry Marotta (drums, backing vocals, lead vocal on track 11), Michael Cozzi of English band Shriekback (guitar, backing vocals), David Jameson (keyboards, eigenharp) and Brian Cummins (vocals). The album was recorded during their European tour in February/March 2015.
It is always a risk tackling a project like this as these songs are so respected by fans and musicians alike. I have to say this band nailed it. The vocalist has an uncanny Gabrielesque sound and tone and all the musicians add top notch performances. The first track is the classic "Lay Your Hands On Me", the first of five taken from the Security album and they do a great job. Marotta's drumming is spot on and the atmosphere and intense build near song's end does the song justice. "I Don't Remember" is a little different but no less effective with shimmering guitar chords dominating the soundscape . Slashing guitar and percolating keyboards highlight the excellent "No Self Control" with full bore intensity while the moody "The Family And The Fishing Net" is slow and atmospheric with choppy guitar rhythms, cool keyboard work and wild touch guitar acrobatics. Other memorable moments include the catchy "I Have The Touch", the darkly brooding "Intruder" and the rhythmic intensity of "The Rhythm Of The Heat".
While some of these tracks do not differ terribly from the originals there are enough 'new ' sounds to make this disc extremely worthwhile to any Gabriel fan. Indeed, this is an impressive live recording and the sound quality is excellent as well. Highly recommended.
Track Listing:
1. Lay Your Hands On Me
2. I Don't Remember
3. No Self Control
4. The Family And The Fishing Net
5. I Have The Touch
6. Intruder
7. The Rhythm Of The Heat
8. San Jacinto
9. Games Without Frontiers/Of These, Hope
10. Here Comes The Flood
11. Back In N.Y.C.
12. Biko
Added: August 4th 2016 Reviewer: Jon Neudorf Score:     Related Link: Band's Official Site Hits: 1924 Language: english
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