Lola Stonecracker: Doomsday Breakdown
Keeping up with the Italian rock and metal scene right now is nigh on impossible, every month revealing at least three or four acts you've never heard of who are crazily trying to demand your attention. In truth the quality is as variable as that ratio suggests, a few nuggets gleaming in a largely brown pile of the steamy stuff. Thankfully Lola Stonecracker have enough about them to catch the eye and glisten through the mire. I'm not really sure describing themselves as 'post-grunge' helps their cause, or indeed anyone to have a better idea of what they sound like. However if Slash is post-grunge, then so must Lola Stonecracker be, for that, alongside the likes of Toseland is exactly what comes to mind as Doomsday Breakdown reveals its charms.
Singer Alex Fablori sounds like Axl Rose in the same way that Myles Kennedy does for Slash, meaning he's in that ball park without being a copyist, while it could be said that guitarists Lorenzo Zagni and Giovanni Tadia are less coy about their hero worship. That said, the fifteen tracks are pretty diverse, "Jigsaw" an out and out party-time rocker, "Witchy Lady" a little more seventies inspired while "Secret For A Universe" possesses that AOR-country vibe that seems so popular right now. However the strength of this album shines through when the good times roll and with the likes of "Perils Of A Man From The Past" and the Scandie sounding title cut, they come into view thick and fast, while the cover of Frankie Goes To Hollywood's "Relax" proves a chunky riff laden triumph!
As you might expect from a band from middle Europe who are releasing their debut, the lyrics sometimes get a little clumsy and yet with the up beat vibe and excitingly vibrant guitar work, any short comings are quickly negated. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the whooping, hollering, faux American accents that lead the admittedly Southern meets Slash flavoured "Space Cowboys" down the path marked humour (although the riff is still a killer), while ""Psycho Speed Parade" also seems a little too frivolous around the edges. However considering that there are fifteen tracks in total on Doomsday Breakdown, that only two slip ever so slightly from the lofty standard set is impressive indeed.
Even in a crowded rock market, it's easy to suggest that Lola Stonecracker stand out for all the right reasons. When Italian bands get it right, they get it oh so right – and with Doomsday Breakdown, Lola Stonecracker have got it right – big time!
Track Listing
1. Jigsaw
2. Witchy Lady
3. Generation On Surface
4. Secret For A Universe
5. Peril Of A Man From The Past
6. Jeckyll And Hyde
7. Doomsday Breakdwon
8. MC Kenny's Place
9. All This Time
10. Spaceboy Cowboys
11. Psycho Speed Parade
12. Mistery Soul Maverick
13. Relax
14. Shine
15. Using My Tricks
Added: June 26th 2016 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: Lola Stonecracker on Facebook Hits: 2288 Language: english
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