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Methra: Acolyte

Here's a band with a sense of humor. The guys in this band seem to revel in poking fun at the all-too-serious side of extreme metal. From the generically occult themes to the obsession with violence, there's nothing this band won't subvert with a big grin (and a strong riff). Even this album's release date, July 4, 2016, is meant as an ironic nod both to the United States and to the cheesy joy of watching the new Independence Day movie. I don't think I can explain the band's origin. It has to do with a doppelganger of Harvey Peavey and the price of amplifiers. Most of this stuff shouldn't work, but the band happens to be pretty good.

For the most part, the music is a heaping dose of doom metal (with a generous side of sludge, of course). When the guys get into the groove of things, they sound great. The band opens multiple tracks with rock solid riffing. Check out "Silverbar," "Heshlaw," and (maybe) "Creeper." "If Everything is Terrible, Then Nothing is" didn't work for me. I liked the mention of Vincent Price in The Last Man on Earth, but like that movie, the song is only partly successful.

Some of the songs are surprising in ways that not everyone will like; "Creeper," for example, starts well but ends with a familiar melody. I think it's the theme to the television show Inspector Gadget but I also wonder if it has roots in classical music. "Hartley's Cult" has a cool mellow (and then heavy) opening that leads into a pretty cool mid-range track, but the cultish singing at the end just fell flat. Other tracks—"Dead Ram" and "S.P.S," to name two of them—were much better. Things close with "Organ Trail," a short instrumental. Come for the doom, stay for the humor.

Track Listing:
1. Silverbar
2. If Everything is Terrible, Then Nothing is
3. Hartley's Cult
4. Meridian
5. "Creeper"
6. Dead Ram
7. Pike Warship
8. S.P.S.
9. Heshlaw
10. Organ Trail

Added: June 16th 2016
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1688
Language: english

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