Originally released in 2003, this sophomore release from Norwegian prog-metal outfit Divided Multitude is now being made available once again from our friends over at Nightmare Records. Falling to Pieces is a pretty heavy affair, featuring 8 tracks dripping with super crunchy guitars, a mix of melodic & gruff vocals, magnificent keyboard work, and piledriving rhythms. Sindre Antonsen might not have been the genres greatest singer at the time, but he's more than competent here, adding his aggressive delivery the dark & menacing "Focus" or the driving symphonic metal of "Enter Paradise", one of the albums more Dream Theater influenced tunes. If it's chugga-chugga riffing, surrounded by no shortage of blazing guitar & keyboard leads, honestly, this is the band for you, as they pile on a relentless barrage of kick ass playing throughout "Stigmatize", "I", "Locked Away", and "No Man's Land", the songs accessible enough but lean, mean, and with a slightly dark tone. Christer Haroy is a hell of a guitarist, his molten riffs mountainous and his lead work stellar, but really, the entire band shines throughout Falling to Pieces, which is really saying something considering that this album was released 13 years ago and they've even gotten better over time.
If you didn't check out Falling to Pieces back in the day, or perhaps only hopped on board the Divided Multitude train with their self-titled release last year, give this reissue a shot and hear a very solid band in the early stages of their career.
See more about this release on our recent YouTube show!
Track Listing
1) Enter Paradise
2) Focus
3) Stigmatize
4) I
5) Locked Away
6) No Man's Land
7) Dreamin'
8) Falling to Pieces