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Sacred Few: Beyond the Iron Walls

This release gives listeners the complete recorded works of Sacred Few, a forgotten American heavy metal band from the early 1980s. By "complete recorded works," I don't mean a long-term career retrospective that shows off a bands output from the 80s to the present. Instead, I mean the complete recordings this band made in the early 1980s because that's all there is. To hear this album is to go backwards in time and to rediscover the joys of NWOBHM-inspired music in all its glory. This is the stuff of swaggering hard rock performed in jeans and t-shirts, music that was heavy, serious, and fun. For better or worse, two new metal styles were poised to shatter all conventional expectations and turn things away from this style. On the one hand, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, were about to unleash thrash on fans eager for something fast and deadly. On the other hand, hair metal, that pop-infused brand of heavy metal, was ready to transform metal's tarnished image into something with great commercial appeal. This is not to say that the NWOBHM was fated to die, only that the new styles were making it feel a bit old-fashioned—slow, as we used to say. Too bad. Bands like Sacred Few took up the hard-rocking style and used it to create just over a baker's dozen worth of good tunes. One of the best things about Sacred Few was that it was female-fronted, a rarity in those days.

Some people might dismiss this release as little more than the contents of a time capsule, but it's not that. It's a reminder that the history of heavy metal is more than the story of the bands everyone has heard of. It's also a testament to the power of terrific hard rock.

Track Listing:
1. Wildlife
2. Last Chance
3. Are You Out There
4. Dream With Me
5. Coming to Your Town
6. Running from Luck
7. Sea of Thought
8. Children of the Night
9. Screamin' Guitars
10. Beyond the Iron Walls
11. Gotta Believe
12. Of Life
13. Better Look Back
14. Stand Up and Fight
15. Sacred Few
16. Low Rider

Added: April 11th 2016
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Bandcamp Page
Hits: 2702
Language: english

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