Aaron; Lee: Fire And Gasoline
Now this was a surprise, Lee Aaron – yes, the Metal Queen – returning to the rock scene after a decades long absence. During that time away Aaron has gone on to become an extremely respected jazz singer, hence I'm not sure many held out much hope that the hugely talented front-woman would once again don her fur bikini and entertain the metal masses. Opening number "Tom Boy" does two things, firstly (and possibly most importantly) it sets this album's stall out as a serious rock collection that nods to the past (not necessarily Aaron's past it has to be said), while secondly, it reminds us that times have changed; the lyrics to this song, while written for Aaron's daughter, a clear message that women no longer need to be pigeon holed into 'sex symbols' to have any chance of success in the rock world. Even if in all honesty the words are a little cringeworthy (and that thought comes from my other half and daughters…).
Musically there's little to connect Fire And Gasoline to Aaron's early albums, a much more straight up rock outlook the order of the day from this once metal (and then AOR) maiden. However that doesn't mean that there isn't bite and attitude on display, the album's title cut all class and sass, while the initially jazzy "Wanna Be" bursts into a punky upbeat stomp of guitars; Aaron coming across with a real touch of Lulu (admittedly an aggressive Lulu) in her delivery. "Bittersweet" reveals a different side to proceedings, a bluesy country edge reminding of Alannah Myles, while "50 Miles" engages the senses through the most seductive vocal I've heard in quite some time; spine tingling stuff in an 80s Heart fashion.
Things however bog down as the album progresses, "Heart Fix" enjoyable, but forgettable, while "Nothing Says Everything" doesn't quite contain enough behind the wonderful layered vocals to make it anything other than merely fun while it lasts. However it is the sheer amount of slower to mid-paced songs which deflate the initially pumped up approach this album opens with. Thankfully "Bad Boyfriend" has no trouble in getting you off your seat through its thumping glam beat, although "Find The Love" once more hits a slower note. It's a good song with a great vocal, but coming after so many similarly paced tracks, it loses much of its appeal.
Fire And Gasoline isn't quite the barnstorming release hoped for from this hugely talented and much missed singer, however it undoubtedly announces Lee Aaron's return with confidence and no shortage of style. If it stayed true to its early rock roots throughout, then it could well have been a real return to form, unfortunately that's not quite the case.
Track Listing
1. Tom Boy
2. Fire And Gasoline
3. Wanna Be
4. Bitter Sweet
5. Popular
6. 50 Miles
7. Bad Boyfriend
8. Heart Fix
9. Nothing Says Everything
10. If You Don't Love Me Anymore
11. Find The Love
Added: April 2nd 2016 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: Lee Aaron online Hits: 1655 Language: english
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