Mad Hornet: Would You Like Something Fresh?
There's a certain irony in an album containing nothing but recycled ideas and sporting one of the worst album covers I can remember, being called Would You Like Something Fresh? If however by 'fresh', this Italian four piece mean a little risqué, then the subtly titles "Pink Pants School" (which comes with a strap line in the booklet proclaiming 'listen up good, let me wear you out and touch your boobs'… ) is about as hot and unbothered as it gets. So yes, we're in hair metal territory here – a label I hate, but in the case of Mad Hornet, an apt one, a White Lion, Van Halen or Poison sound attempted. However with a thoroughly muddled production and complete lack of fire in this band's belly, the truth of the matter is that not one of "Free Rock Machine", "Walking With You (In The Afternoon)" or "Your Body Talks" do much more than make you glad when they're over. Guitarist Ken does possess a little vim, a few tasty solos revealed, however Mic behind the mic doesn't have the pizazz or vocal prowess to make a mark, although he has the 80s look nailed down big time...
I like good time party rock as much, if not more, than the next guy (check my record collection for proof), however the only good times going down here are the ones the band are having themselves. For everyone else this is lumpen, leaden stuff that gives the hair metal haters every reason to decry this sort of music. It genuinely saddens me that even after giving this album the requisite amount of spins (a minimum of seven before review), it is still only the quirky opening odd audio clip from the movie Bodyguards that sticks in my mind.
Would You Like Something Fresh? Yes, please, because what Mad Hornet have served up here is stale, staid and badly in need of resuscitation.
Track Listing
1. Would You Like Something Fresh?
2. Your Body Talks
3. Dyin' Love
4. Blue Blood
5. Free Rock Machine
6. Game Of Death
7. Rise 'N' Do It
8. Walking With You (In The Afternoon)
9. Pink Pants School
10. What Is Love
11. Roses Under The Rain
Added: March 20th 2016 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:   Related Link: Would You Like Something Fresh? on Amazon Hits: 1912 Language: english
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