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Shakra: High Noon

The last time I reviewed Shakra was in 2013 when I got the opportunity to opine over the Powerplay album which was the second and final record the band made with Indian vocalist John Prakesh. I described the disc as, "a solid addition to the band's canon," a description which would be very apt for High Noon as well. Out goes Mr Prakesh and in comes…Mark Fox returning to front the band over half a decade since leaving and it is very much a comfortable fit again.

Somewhat confusingly perhaps, guitarist Chris von Rohr is quoted as saying the following when Prakesh left the band in early 2014: "Let's bring back together what belongs together." So Mark Fox comes in and things immediately click. From start to finish High Noon oozes quality – unfashionable quality but quality nevertheless. Pounding tracks such as "Into Your Heart" would have probably been radio staples back in the day (and possibly still are in certain European countries.) Probably the best way to describe High Noon is to say that if you loved Gotthard up until Steve Lee's tragic demise then you will be overjoyed to add this one to your collection. "Around the World" has the ultra-melodic Gottard style chorus but crucially adds heavy guitars and in the best tradition of their Swiss compatriots the ballad "Life's What You Need" is exquisite and is the centerpiece of this quality hard rock album.

Track Listing:
1. Hello
2. High Noon
3. Into Your Heart
4. Around The World
5. Eye To Eye
6. Is It Real
7. Life's What You Need
8. The Storm
9. Raise Your Hands
10. Stand Tall
11. Watch Me Burn
12. Wild And Hungry

Added: February 4th 2016
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1850
Language: english

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