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Slivovitz: All You Can Eat

The progressive jazz fusion outfit Slivovitz is back with a new album titled All You Can Eat. It has been four years since Bani Ahead which you can also find reviewed on this site. On All You Can Eat the band continue with their eclectic brand of ethnic flavoured jazz rock and fusion sounds. There has been one member change since the last album as Vincenzo Lamagna has replaced Domenico Angarano on bass. The rest of the band includes Derek Di Perri (harmonica), Marcello Giannini (electric and acoustic guitars), Salvatore Rainone (drums), Ciro Riccardi (trumpet), Pietro Santangelo (tenor and alto sax) and Riccardo Villari (acoustic and electric violin).

The first track "Persian Nights" is indicative of what you will here on this disc. Evocative and slightly off kilter acoustic and electric guitar, more intense grooves with a fantastic rhythm section, sax and trumpet embellishments adding a distinct eclectic flavour and a sustained atmosphere provided by intelligent electric guitar chords. There is a certain 'spaghetti western' feel here. "Mani In Faccia" continues with the band's eclectic sounds ranging from intense blasts of saxophone to more fluidic and mellower musical climes. Violin and electric guitar adds some off the wall soloing. Exotic ethnic guitar and sax flavourings dominate the Middle Eastern tinged "Yahtzee", a song with a more mellow approach but with still a dense layer of instrumentation. "Passannante" builds from chilled out guitar notes, bass and percussion into more intense guitar riffage and a cool harmonica workout.

While the melodies don't jump out and slap you in the face there is no doubting the complexity and stellar production on All You Can Eat. This isn't a record that you get in one listen, no, you need to slowly absorb it over a longer period of time. Only then will you discover all its hidden nuance and complex musicality. For fans of Zappa and associated eclectic music.

Released on MoonJune Records.

Track Listing:
1. Persian Nights (7:25)
2. Mani In Faccia (5:14)
3. Yahtzee (7:05)
4. Passannante (4:16)
5. Barotrauma (La Zappa sui piedi) (5:41)
6. Hangover (5:28)
7. Currywurst (5:12)
8. Oblio (7:08)

Added: January 27th 2016
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's Official Site
Hits: 1736
Language: english

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