De Filippo, Carlo: Di Indomito Incanto
From time to time, an ambient album comes along that I can only describe as study music. To avoid misunderstanding, I try to explain that, just because something works beautifully in the background, it does not also belong in the foreground. Some music rewards the listener whether it plays to the foreground or lurks slightly in the background, begging for attention only at certainly moments. This album features music like that, music that rewards careful attention but is also rewarding as something quiet, something just beneath the surface.
Let me explain it a little better—for this album, Carlo De Filippo has composed a series of songs that are largely made up of a piano and of a broad range of synthesized effects, familiar sounds like strings, percussion, harpsichord, and others. The result is a cross between something akin to New Age music and what most people call Classical music (but also called concert music). The music is consistently charming, uplifting, mysterious, and beautiful in all sorts of ways. Over the last week or so, I've listened to the album several times and I like it. The biggest surprise is the beautiful track "Daffodils," featuring vocals by Simona Giusti. The shortest song on the album, it is also one of the best. Giusti's voice complements the piano performance perfectly. By the end, I wanted more of De Filippo's compositions and more of Giusti's vocals. I don't know the work of these musicians very well, but I'm certainly intrigued by their range of talents.
Ambient and neoclassical, this album has nothing on it that sounds even remotely like heavy metal. Listeners who only want extreme music will not find this release appealing. For those who want something a little different, something a little quieter, something for relaxing, reading, or just enjoying for its own sake, this is a release well worth discovering.
Track Listing:
1. Del Perduto Eco
2. Estatico Imbrunir
3. Di Indomito Incanto
4. D'Impetuosa Mescolanza
5. Interludio D'Arcano Moto
6. Di Quei Meriggi
7. Talune Nostalgie
8. Attimi, Imminenti
9. Attimi, Fuggevoli
10. Struggenza in Re Minore
11. Velo d'Oblio
12. Daffodils
13. Rugiada
Added: January 27th 2016 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link: Bandcamp Page Hits: 1787 Language: english
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