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Tiebreaker: We Come From The Mountains

Here is another band from the land of ice and snow. That would be Norway in this case and the band is another new one to these ears. Tiebreaker formed in Odda, Hordaland in 2011 and released their first album independently in 2014. The band then signed to Karisma Records who have rereleased We Come From The Mountains one year later. If you dig the classic '70s rock sound this band should pique your interest.

The album begins with the melodic rocker "Early Morning Love Affair" and its strong lead vocals, bluesy hard rock grooves and excellent guitar solo. If you love all things '70s this is the song for you. More hard rocking riffs can be found in the catchy "Nicotine" where the vocals are drenched in emotion and images of Led Zeppelin come to mind especially near song's end when the riffs get even heavier. In the mellower "Homebound Pt. 1" the guitar carries a jangly tone and the vocals more poignant whereas "The Getaway" returns to the band's fiery brand of Zeppelin influenced hard rock. Vocalist Karlsen really puts heart and soul into this one. Perhaps the biggest homage to Led Zeppelin is "El Macho Supreme" where the guitar and vocals have Page and Plant written all over them. And so the album goes with one catchy riff after another. I have to say this is one of the more memorable rock albums in terms of head sticking melodies I have heard in a while.

What we have here is a very good album of '70s influenced rock that doesn't break any new ground but is so well played and recorded all can be forgiven. I will take this any day over most of what modern rock has to offer.

Band members:
Thomas Espeland Karlsen (vocals)
Erik Wik Haug (guitar)
Olav Areklett Vikingstad (guitar)
Patrick Andersson (bass)
Pål Gunnar Dale (drums)

Track Listing:
1. Early Morning Love Affair
2. Nicotine
3. Homebound Pt. 1
4. The Getaway
5. Where Can Love Go Wrong
6. El Macho Supreme
7. Trembling Son
8. Homebound Pt. 2
9. Walk Away

Added: January 26th 2016
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's Facebook Page
Hits: 1924
Language: english

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