Tijad: Cognitive Dissonance
Dutch multi-instrumentalist Tijad started in 2009 as a member of the Dutch metal band Melancholy Burning. In 2011 he released a demo under his own name titled Orpheus and has recently released the follow up Cognitive Dissonance.
Although the mixing and recording quality could have been better, I will give him a pass considering this is an independent release and with what I presume to be a limited budget, Tijad is a very good musician, most notably on the guitar. There is a definite classical influence as many of these songs are adorned with pretty arpeggios, although the mood is very melancholic. Bursts of heavy guitar gives the tunes a metallic edge while keeping with the overall dark tone. If you want upbeat music you are listening to the wrong disc as the melancholic nature of this music is very palpable.
The album begins with "Mister Black", a suitable title considering the dark vibe. Slow guitar moves gently across the soundscape with the occasional blast of heavier guitar chords. The songs mostly begin with gentle arpeggios and Tijad's mournful vocal approach. He also adds some nice orchestrations, particularly in the nine plus minute "Dropout" where the guitars construct a heavier wall of sound that recalls elements of doom and black metal. My one complaint is the drums need more power and better mixing. In that regard more help would have been beneficial to the overall sound.
Apparently Cognitive Dissonance is a concept album with the protagonist slowly losing his grip on reality. A happy album this is not and although quite brooding there are some beautiful passages here that I will certainly return to when the mood arises. File under atmospheric rock and metal.
Track Listing:
1. Mister Black
2. Demons
3. Dropout
4. Hiatus
5. It's On Me
6. A Growing Sense Of Displacement
7. The Police Report
8. Duet With The Dead
9. Cognitive Dissonance
Added: November 17th 2015 Reviewer: Jon Neudorf Score:    Related Link: Artist's Official Site Hits: 3477 Language: english
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