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Soul Secret: 4

When I received this new release the name Soul Secret seemed familiar, and then it clicked that I actually ordered their first album Flowing Portraits though it had been a long time since I've heard it. The progressive group have also recorded a second album Closer To Daylight. Soul Secret do have a new vocalist since their last album, which seems to be an ongoing trend as from what I've read this band have had quite a few others since the group's beginnings in 2004. Their latest release 4 is a concept album that from what I can find is about a guy with his share of issues called Adam, and begins with Adam on top of a building hence the song title "On The Ledge" and the cover art. He goes on to meet his partner Anne and his story unfolds ending with the final epic track at sixteen minutes plus as he climbs "The White Stairs".

Soul Secret's dynamic progressive metal/rock is promptly introduced with "On The Ledge" and the first of many prolonged instrumental passages on the album, the vocals do finally appear but not before the band have had an opportunity to give us the first taste of that quality musicianship there's also spoken words/effects setting the scene. Now "On The Ledge" is an ok song that could be have been a great one as I could do without the fact that Soul Secret are obviously very fond of the Dream Theater model of progressive metal. When after all it's not Dream Theater whom I'm listening to and Soul Secret are clearly not lacking the talent to go their own way. I'm sure there are those that would find this song to be very appealing but the more I listen the more indifferent I do feel. A song should not diminish in appeal over time, but the comparisons here and at other times on this album do just that and try as I might I just can't ignore those parallels.

There's a favourable note as we then find songs on 4 such as "Turning The Page", the cool varied instrumental "Silence", "Downfall" and the extended number "The White Stairs" which are more enjoyable as the band looks to establish their own sound. So even though my experience with 4 isn't entirely positive there is that brighter side which creates an optimism that future albums will change my view.

Track Listing
1.On The Ledge
2.Our Horizon
3. K
4. As I Close My Eyes
5. Traces On The Seaside
6. Turning The Back Page
7. Silence
8. In A Frame
9. My Lighthouse
10. Downfall
11. The White Stairs

Added: May 29th 2015
Reviewer: Scott Jessup
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2230
Language: english

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