Warhorse: As Heaven Turns to Ash. . . + I Am Dying (Reissue)
Most people have played some version of the deserted island game. You know what I'm talking about—it's the game we all play when we're asked what we'd want to have with us if we were ever stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere, all by yourself. People play it to talk about favorite movies or albums or people or books. The idea of the game is simple: it forces someone to choose, immediately, what really matters to them.
This reissue makes the deserted island game a little easier since it combines both the full-length and the EP releases from Warhorse. As a 2-in-1 release, it now counts as one choice—and it may even become a necessary part of your next deserted island list. See, the music here—originally released well over ten years ago, but long out of print—showcases the power and the majesty of slow-tempo doom metal beautifully. Nobody can say that Warhorse gave birth to the genre, but it nevertheless helped nurture it during its formative years. Warhorse also demonstrates what can happen when doom metal connects with psychedelic sounds (and moods) in order to chase after the elusive dream of musical insight. The result? Tracks like "Black Acid Prophecy" and "Lysergic Communion." I don't know whether the music here can take you past the doors of perception, but this much I do know—it wants to try. Even better, it's awesome.
If you've never heard Warhorse before, just start with the first track and let the music take you elsewhere. This isn't a perfect doom release, but it certainly rivals those that we might argue are the best. For those who already know Warhorse, look out—your insider status is about to be challenged.
Track Listing:
As Heaven Turns to Ash...
1. Dusk
2. Doom's Bride
3. Black Acid Prophecy
4. Amber vial
5. Every Flower Dies No Matter the Thorns (Wither)
6. Lysergic Communion
7. Dawn
8. Scrape
9. And the Angels Begin to Weep
I Am Dying EP
1. I Am Dying
2. Horizons Burn Red
Added: May 9th 2015 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score:     Related Link: Band Label Page Hits: 1675 Language: english
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