The Project Hate MCMXCIX: Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate
Some wicked awesome musical ideas here, real dark and symphonic and worthy of much praise and attention. Take the guitar/keyboard twists and turns evident in the opening "Hate," the gentle stroke of keyboards atop the smoldering sin of overdriven guitars at the top of "Nailed," or the sheer boogie butt introduction 'neath a hellacious roar that guides us into "Burn" (also note the headbanging madness that follows over the course of this 12-minute slab of sonic lust) and understand that that's completely indicative of where this li'l outfit comes from. It's epic, dude. Totally epic and beautiful, even if the growly growl vocals detract from that at times. Sure, it's a convention of the black metal genre, but how 'bout some glances toward working against conventions? Ain't that what metal's about anyway, sticking it to convention? (OK,truth? There are some nice vocal counterpoints here and there, just not enough of 'em to make me drop my pants and salute.) Nevertheless, this epic-based outfit deserves you attention and respect. Really interested in hearing where it goes from here.
Track Listing:
1. Hate (9:04)
2. Nailed (7:10)
3. Dominate (8:39)
4. Deviate (8:41)
5. Congregate (7:30)
6. Burn (12:23)
7. Eliminate (8:35)
8. Weep (7:28)
Total Time: 69:30
Added: October 5th 2004 Reviewer: Jedd Beaudoin Score:     Related Link: More Information Hits: 2676 Language: english
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