Consider The Source: World War Trio (Part One) (EP)
US band Consider The Source formed in 2004 and have released four studio albums thus far, including their latest EP World War Trio (Part One). The three piece is Jeff Mann (drums, percussion), Gabriel Marin (fretted/fretless guitars, guitar synths, acoustic guitar) and John Ferrara (electric bass).
This EP consists of one six part track totaling almost twenty-four minutes of music. The band will be releasing the second and third parts as a double album in the near future.
World War Trio (Part One) is a combination of math rock and heavy prog with the emphasis on guitar built soundscapes. Up-tempo rhythms and blasts of guitar synth build up part one before the beat becomes more robotized and the guitar work more textured. Some parts are a little slower with cool fretless guitar and more ominous tones. The third section is more ethereal and dreamy while the fourth features off kilter rhythmic patterns, staccato like riffs and softer textures to alleviate the heaviness. At times the music takes on Eastern elements, especially in the guitar tone. The album ends dramatically with a wall of sound building into a massive crescendo of guitars and synths. Pretty cool stuff. I couldn't help thinking of Animals As Leaders at various times while listening.
There is enough here for me to look forward to the second instalment as there is a nice balance between technical musicianship and melodic sensibility. Recommended for fans of complex, riff based music.
Track Listing:
1. Put Another Rock In That Bag (23:31)
Added: February 22nd 2015 Reviewer: Jon Neudorf Score:     Related Link: Band's Official Site Hits: 2214 Language: english
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