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LoreWeaveR: Italic

It's time to crank the amp, good and loud and let the world hear this album in its full splendid glory. People be under no illusions, THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE A PROG METAL ALBUM.

It's hard to believe that LoreWeaveR are only recording their second album, such is the maturity and complexity of what is on offer here. Their debut album, Imperviae Auditiones, was a great and promising album, again full of complexity drawing influence from Dream Theater and LTE; Italic outstrips the excellence of that album by a mile. Francesco Salvadeo, Lorenzo Marcenaro, Claudio Cavalli, Barbara Rubin and Daniele Focante should hold their heads high here with what has been created; unfortunately Claudio and Barbara are no longer in the band, but were present for the recording of this album and a handful of live shows.

This is just an album that is full of highlights seeing each member bring something to the table for all to feast on; Claudio Cavalli (drums) and Daniele Focante (bass) create the underlying rhythmic pulse and spine to the presentations, ensuring that the framework is rock solid. Francesco Salvadeo (guitars) and Lorenzo Marcenaro (keyboards) coat the framework with tonal depth and colour, where you can feel and hear their passion and personality oozing out through each note offered. Last but not least is Barbara Rubin (vocals) who delivers note after note, perfection, never skipping a beat, never missing an opportunity to caress the listener's ear making your hair stand on end with her soaring tones that swoop and swoon ensuring cohesion to the whole affair.

From the powerhouse of opening track Rigor Mortis with its pounding drum lines, harmonic guitars and epic keyboard sounds that fills the ether, something that the whole album is structured on to be perfectly honest, the band demonstrate that they mean business, through to the closing track Soldatino Industriale, which was not on the initial release of this album in 2014, displays that the band has the ability to test its audience without fear and deliver to the highest and exacting standards.

The production of the album is perfect too where all the instrumentation finds its level, musically not drowning out others, no clashing of egos, which adds to the character of the whole affair.

Just as a footnote Irma De Carli now provides the vocals for the band and Paolo Sannazzaro fills the seat of Claudio Cavalli

If Dream Theater, Symphony X, Porcupine Tree, Pain of Salvation, Pagan's Mind float your boat then LoreWeaveR need to be added to your collection.

Italic is a MUST buy album and LoreWeaveR are a MUST see live band.

Track List
1. Rigor Mortis
2. My Freedom
3. Lionheart
4. Angry Tears
5. Vae Victis
6. The River Suit
7. Soldatino Industriale

Added: December 28th 2014
Reviewer: John OBoyle
Related Link:
Hits: 2159
Language: english

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